In Memoriam
It is with deep sorrow that we report the passing of Norman B. Harty, the owner and founder of N. B. Harty General Contractors. He died on August 3rd 2017 after a prolonged battle with heart disease.
We are grateful that Mr. Harty left us with an explosives cleaning process that has saved the power industry not only billions of dollars in downtime, but more importantly, has saved the lives of many men and women that could have occurred by using less effective cleaning methods.
It is with great foresight and generosity that Mr. Harty saw fit to leave his company to his family and long time employees. Be assured that business will proceed as usual, with no interruption in services.
It will be our honor to continue to provide you the best possible explosive cleaning service in the industry. We look forward to serving your many explosive needs now, and for many years in the future.